Matzah Project & volunteer opportunity
With the approach of Passover it's the time each year that volunteers and I visit hundreds of families in Baton Rouge to deliver premium handmade Shmurah Matzah, this premium Matzah is sure to enhance the Seder experience and Passover holiday.
If you'd like to volunteer please reply to this email - all you need is a smile, car and an hours time - we'll do the rest.
We deem it a privilege to make these special Matzahs accessible to you.We hope it adds a new flavor and energy to your Seder.Let it stimulate conversation, generate curiosity, excite the participants and make the Exodus saga come alive in the most rewarding and generation-connecting way.
Special thank you to the underwriters of this project!
Here's how you can help
1) Volunteers - We need volunteers to help get this done.If you are available anytime between 9am-7pm for at least an hour's time to take a route for delivery please reply to this email to secure a route for you.
2) Include a family - If you know of a Jewish family in the Greater Baton Rouge area who will appreciate to receive premium handmade Matzah, and is not on the Chabad of Baton Rouge mailing list, please respond to this email. More about these special Matzahs:
- These handmade Matzos—carefully tended to from the time of the harvesting of the wheat until after baking—are reminiscent of the unleavened food the Jewish people ate as they escaped Egypt.
- Matzah is called “the food of faith”. We left Egypt in such haste, relying on the Al-mighty to provide sustenance for the entire nation.
- Each year as we relive this event, we are reminded that the Matzah represents the simplicity of that faith – it is humble and simple made of only flour and water. So too, the key to freedom is humility.
- It is customary to use these round hand-rolled Shmura Matzos on the first two nights of the festival (April 22 & 23) as the middle Matzah on the Seder Plate for the Afikoman, and distributing a piece to all at your Pesach table.